
Today's lunch

There you go.. I'm actually testing the blog-by-email since blackberry doesn't have a blogger app. Or does it now?

Let's see how it appears...
Sent from BlackBerry® on 3


non inge said...

ow posting percobaan toch
sepertinya berhasil ^^

Dorothy Souhuwat said...

sepertinya trialnya berhasil nieh...

hemmmm, bener jugh aya idemu..ttapi aku malas ngurusin penjualannya..hehehehe
nanti klo udah ada niat deh,,aku jualin..nanti kamu jadi pembeli pertama ya..hehehhehe

btw thx lo idenya...

Primi Kozzy Closet said...

Tnx dears, fotonya kecil2 ya tpi :(
Diapain yaa?