

sorry Idya for accidentally chopping your head off with my phone's camera,
but you looked stunning with Kozzy Shoes! :)


non inge said...

keren :D

Primi Kozzy Closet said...

makasih inge :)

Atikah Amalia said...

Cute shoes!
makasih commentnya ya :)
Answering your comments.. itu long dress ka.. bingung mau foto dari sudut mana,.. jadi aku lipet aja deh. hehe

mau tukeran link?

Primi Kozzy Closet said...

Makasi tikaa :)

hehehe dipasangin di manequin aja sist,, ato tika yg pake trus difoto :) sure you'll look orgeous in that dress :)

boleh,, segera q tempel deh linknya :)