
listening to Save Ferris -Come on Eileen- superb song, superb make up, superb color!!

Wow,, I'm bad again,,, So Lazy!!
That will be because I hate blogging from my phone. It sucks it results an extremely small pic. But the reason behind the purchase of the gadget was because I needed to reduce the online time I spend in front of my laptop every single night -then I slept really late then I woke up superlate or woke up feeling sick and tired every single morning. Never been a morning person as long as I remember.-
okay, enough bitching the poor gadget. It helped me, however. And I decide that I should name it. Any ideas?
So last Tuesday was my 23rd birthday. It didn't feel like a birthday :D
Damn, I'm old.
And I haven't figured out what I actually want in life.
Emmmmh,,, nah,, I want too many things, that should be the problem.

and tomorrow there will be a presenter-newscaster audition by Trans7.
should I go for it
should I stick on my just-started-businesses and stay focus on them
at least for these moments.
but then again, I'm 23.
chances won't come twice I know
but neither will trust

i'm proud to call myself an entrepreneur
but I don't mind to be on TV again.
I missed the make up, wardrobes, and most importantly, the spotlights.

  shoes: Kozzy Shoes

1 comment:

d s y said...

hello.. happy belated bday.. 23, eh? not that old compared to mine :p
the shoes are gorgeous..!!